In adults, lower back pain is a very frequent problem.
In fact, it’s likely that you’ll experience that issue at least once in your life, and one of the most crucial things to do to resolve these problems is to perform lower back stretches to ease a stiff and uncomfortable back.
Of course, it’s a good idea to speak with a physio if the problem stems from an injury or if it’s been bothering you for more than two weeks without getting better.
But most of the time, it’s just a case of stiff muscles from working out too hard or sitting at a desk all day.
This Simple 10-Minute Morning Ritual Eliminates Back Pain
Lower back stretches to relieve tight and lower back pain
1. Child’s pose & Child’s pose with side stretches

One of the most well-liked yoga stances is the child’s pose. It not only soothes the mind, but it also stretches your back muscles gently. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
- Start on all fours, then recline while sitting back on your heels.
- Your legs can be pushed out to the sides of your torso for an additional groin stretch as your tummy rests on your thighs.
- Your arms should be stretched above your head in the extended child’s pose to gradually lengthen your spine.
- For a deeper stretch that goes from your lats all the way down to your lower back, extend both hands out to the side.
2. Butterfly

The butterfly posture will open your hips in addition to stretching your lower and mid back.
- Bending your knees, take a seat on the ground with your feet touching. As close as you can, draw them in.
- Try to lower your chest as much as you can by pushing your knees toward the floor and slanting your hips forward.
- Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat 3 times. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
This Simple 10-Minute Morning Ritual Eliminates Back Pain
3. Single Leg Forward Fold

Your whole posterior chain (the muscles on the back of your body) will be stretched by this particular variant of the sitting forward fold, including your calves, hamstrings, lower back, and midback.
- Straighten your back while you sit on the ground.
- Your left leg should be bent, with the foot resting against your right thigh.
- Reach for your right foot as you lean forward. If you are still unable to reach it, simply lean forward as much as you can.
- Repeat on the opposite side after holding for a minute. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
4. Piriformis wall stretch

Even though it is little, the piriformis helps with hip and thigh rotation, which makes it possible for us to perform many of our daily activities like walking, running, sitting, etc. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
You can reduce the harmful effects of prolonged sitting by regularly stretching your piriformis.
- Kneel down on the floor with your feet up against the wall.
- Place your left ankle exactly above the knee of your right leg.
- For a little more strenuous stretch, gently push your left knee against the wall.
- Switch sides after a minute of holding. Repeat as often as necessary.
This Simple 10-Minute Morning Ritual Eliminates Back Pain
5. Sitting piriformis stretch

To stretch the piriformis, perform yet another stretching exercise. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
- Stretch your legs out in front of you as you sit down on the ground.
- Your left foot should be over your right leg on the outside of your right knee when you bend your left knee.
- Turn your torso and spine to the left.
- Put your right arm on your left knee and your left hand behind you to support the stance. To intensify the stretch a little bit, you might softly press against your left knee.
- Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch sides. Iterate as necessary.
6. Wall candle stretch

This stretch will loosen up tight hamstrings and the lower back. It’s really easy but very effective.
- Lay down on the floor with your back straight.
- Try to have your buttocks touching the wall as you go as near to it as you can.
- Legs raised on the wall, extend. Hold the position for one minute, fifteen seconds.
This Simple 10-Minute Morning Ritual Eliminates Back Pain
7. Candle roll-back (Plow pose)

If you find that this development of the candle stretch is too difficult to complete, just skip it until you have developed enough flexibility. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
- Place your palms firmly on the surface while lying on the ground.
- Take a breath out, place your hands on the ground, and without bending your knees, raise your feet up behind your head.
- Hold the stance for a few seconds to a minute, then slowly release the pose. 3 or more times. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.
8. Overhead squat against the wall

This one will extend your spine, open up your hips, and provide relief for your lower back.
- Kneel down on the floor with your feet up against the wall.
- As closely as you can, position your body against the wall.
- Your feet are in line with your knees.
- Put your arms out in front of you.
- Hold for one or one and a half minutes.
This Simple 10-Minute Morning Ritual Eliminates Back Pain
A Few Advice
Regular stretching is imperative, especially if you spend a large portion of your day sitting down.
Regular mobility exercises and stretches will also help people whose occupations involve repetitive actions. It will help to relieve your lower back pain.